If you’re planning on engaging in a big golfing trip, it’s not all that different from taking the whole family on vacation; the success of your trip will depend on how well it’s organised. The best trips are the ones where the planning has been done effectively; no detail has been overlooked, everyone’s needs have been considered, and nothing has been left to chance. So if you are need of a guide to organising the perfect golf trip, you’ve come to the right place!

Before we get into the details of planning the perfect golf trip – Who is going?

Some of the world’s premier golf destinations only allow golfers to walk the course. Can you or your group members keep this up for several days of golfing? Do you need on-course transportation? Can each member of the party carry their own baggage, or would shipping golf equipment before arrival be a requirement? These are all important issues that dictate various elements of planning so are best established in advance. Now let’s move on to the fun stuff…

Identify Your Destination

The number of golf tourists visiting places like Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, New Zealand, South Africa, and Australia is expanding. Some of the most sought-after golfing destinations in the United States are found in places like Florida, Myrtle Beach, and Alabama’s Robert Trent Jones Trail, or at courses like Pinehurst Resort, Sea Island, Pebble Beach, and Bandon Dunes.The most important thing is to pick a location that suits your needs, budget, and group dynamics.

Be In Charge

Collective decision-making is ineffective. If you are in a leadership position, act like it. You should get people’s opinions, but the buck has to stop somewhere or it will drive you crazy. Agree in advance that the trip’s itinerary will be determined by the person in charge.

Choose Your Companions

Smaller trips can be just as exciting as larger ones. Instead of trying to maximise the size of your travelling band, it is preferable to take things gently and carefully select your fellow golfing travellers to ensure that everyone has the same goals and expectations. One thing to think about is making sure there’s a good mix of serious competitors and others who just want to hang out and hit some balls.

Whenever Possible – Upgrade

Although plane tickets are fantastic, we’re really talking about how you allocate your resources. Most first-timers spread themselves too thin when making preparations, and as the old adage goes, “You get what you pay for.” Consider booking single rooms rather than sharing with a partner. It’s common practise for large groups to share a single hotel room, but you’d be surprised how much better you’ll sleep if you don’t have to listen to the grizzly snoring of the person in the room next to you. It’s worth cutting your trip short by a day or two if that’s what it takes to compensate for the average upcharge on individual rooms.

Don’t Overload the Schedule

The most common way for hindering a plan is to pack too much into too little time. Many people, for instance, look at a map of Ireland and imagine that they can go from one location to another in a matter of days so that they may fit in as many games as possible. Just because it takes you an hour to travel there doesn’t mean it’s going to take you an hour to drive the same distance somewhere else. This rule applies regardless of how many rounds you play while away. Think about how old everyone is and how fit they are. While excessive scheduling may look excellent on paper, it often leads to unpleasant realities. Progress is best measured in baby steps.

Plan for the Unplannable

Things come up; some overdoing it here, some back pain there; you get the idea. On every trip, make sure to set aside a “cultural day.” Try to arrange everything so that you may relax and enjoy the local culture at a great spot, while also getting your energy back (nurse a hangover). Making you feel recharged to enjoy the rest of the trip. It’s surprising how these days often end up being the most memorable parts of your travels.

It’s All About The Money

Getting people to commit is a major source of stress for every event planner. When the time comes to actually put down any cash, though, participation rates tend to plummet. You might have planned a trip for fifteen people, but by the time you get there, just ten are left. You’ll have to go back to the original group members and either beg for additional money or break some bad news to them because all the amazing deals you may have gotten with the venues based on the original group agreement are now null and invalid. The best advice is to have individuals put down money early on, as this is the only way to guarantee a commitment from them. You may have folks contribute to a bank account before making any venue reservations. If enough individuals contribute to the trip fund, you can start making plans.

Never Say “Once in a Lifetime”

This is the most worn-out expression in the book of travel clichés. Try to make this vacation the “trip of a lifetime,” but don’t think of it as an either/or proposition. An attitude of “this is just the beginning” will help you relax and enjoy your journey without feeling rushed to see everything in one go.

Don’t forget that the point of the trip is to enjoy yourself! Relax and take a few deep breaths. Once the main vision is set, smaller tasks like organising daily competitions, pairings, etc., can be delegated out. Try not to overschedule your time, your meals, and your social activities. Leave it up to individuals to discover their own way. So long as everyone is on the same page about when and where they need to be, I say let fate take its course. The best part of a golf trip is when you just sit back and let it happen.