It’s May.
It was January just five minutes ago but now it’s May. Exams are approaching. End of term is almost here. But whatever. It’s cool. You totally got this.*
*You totally don’t got this.
22 Pictures That Sum Up Exam Season At Uni
1. Every time you think about exams.
2. When you realise there is literally not enough time to do all the revision you need to do.
3. Trying to stay positive and smile through the emotional breakdown.
4. Nope. That doesn’t work.
5. Entering into a state of calm and accepting your fate.
6. Yep:
7. Panic reappears.
8. When anyone tries to offer the slightest bit of help.
9. You’re so stressed that you stop caring about what you look like/the state of your personal hygiene.
10. Trying to claim a seat in the library.
11. You try to find ways to make your work more fun.
12. Employing creative tactics to increase the word count.
13. Handing in your dissertation like.
14. Realising it’s going to take more than just revision to get you through.
15. Talking to your friends after the exam and realising you screwed up.
16. Giving into peer pressure to go out when you should be revising because you’re weak-willed and yolo etc etc.
17. When smug people post pictures of their finished dissertations.
18. You’re constantly trying to figure out how much work you have to do to get a First.
19. When you sit down to revise and resort to the tried and tested method of staring at a blank screen and hoping words appear.
20. When your friend says “don’t worry, I haven’t revised that bit either”.
21. When your friends are done with their exams and can go out partying but you’re not finished yet.
22. When there’s only one copy of the required reading material in the library and your fellow classmates turn into vultures.
23. The night before the exam, accepting that your brain can not contain one more piece of information. Que sera, sera and all that jazz.
24. Finishing your final exam and realising it’s all over and there is literally nothing you can do now.
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